What is HD-CAB?
The European Huntington Association (EHA), the International Huntington Association (IHA) and the Huntington’s Disease Youth Organisation (HDYO) are excited to officially announce their new initiative, called HD-CAB (Community Advisory Board). As a coalition of partners, their main mission is to represent the voice of the global HD community and provide HD community experience to regulators, industry, researchers and governing bodies.
Our main Goals
HD-CAB is an instrument to facilitate patient-oriented research and clinical trials as well as fair processes to make treatment accessible for all patients. HD-CAB has a global perspective with members from 6 out of the 7 continents and the main aims are 2:
- Coordinate with pharmaceutical companies and our global advisory team to ensure research progression is effective and meets the needs of the patients and families
- Advocate with governing bodies globally to make drugs accessible to the HD community
Meet our Team!
This initiative counts with the participation of numerous advocates and partners across the globe. Here you can find the different sections of our Team Members: